DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice

All trademarks, product names, company names, logos, and other intellectual property objects on the site belong to their respective owners. adheres to the Federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) when addressing notices of alleged infringement under the DMCA and other applicable laws. does not claim ownership of trademarks, company names, logos, or other intellectual property objects, as well as product information (excluding intellectual property objects owned by displayed on the website.
In response to copyright infringement notifications, we may take actions such as terminating, suspending, or restricting access to the infringing material, deleting the infringing material from the site and its subdomains, and making efforts to contact the person who provided the material for a counter-notice in compliance with the DMCA.
The requirements for notifying copyright infringement set forth below are designed to fulfill's rights and obligations under the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, specifically section 512(c).
Requirements for notifying copyright infringement:
1. Identification of the authorized person acting on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right allegedly infringed.
2. Description of the copyrighted work infringed, or a list of multiple copyrighted works on a single website if covered by one notice.
3. URL(s) of the aforementioned works.
4. Contact information including address, phone number, and email of the notifier.
5. Statement affirming the accuracy of the information provided in the notice, acknowledging the consequences of perjury for misrepresentation of ownership of the infringed exclusive right.
The notice must include a statement of accuracy under section 512(f), which stipulates that any individual who knowingly and materially misrepresents copyright infringement may be liable for damages.